Monday, September 13, 2010

Sitting on a fence

Today, I'm sitting on a fence. I come from a family of all boys. Lots of them. 5 to be exact. Every time I tell someone that there are five boys and no girls in my family, their immediate response ALWAYS is, "Oh, your poor Mother, what a saint." And honestly, she is. I don't know how she did it. Boys will be boys, and boy, were we boys!
Today, Luisa and I woke up happy, excited, anxious and even a bit nervous. Today we go to the doctors, and find out whether we're having a boy or girl. We've always joked that we wanted boys. All boys. It seemed to work out fine in my family. No drama, no trying to balance between the difference between boys and girls. Just boys...give them their Tonka trucks, and they're happy. Usually. All boys would be nice...until just recently, we've talked about having a girl, and how wonderful that would be. Even this morning, Luisa woke me up and smiled at me, and said, "I would be so thrilled if we found out we're having a girl." And it's true.
Luisa and I were driving home one night, and she spotted turkeys, sitting on this fence. We laughed so hard, we had to pull over and take a picture. So here we are, sitting on a fence, not knowing quite what we'd prefer, boy or girl, as if our preference has any weight in the matter.
We've been thinking it's a boy all along, but in the end, who really knows? How about you! Any predictions!?


Lynn Demaray September 13, 2010 at 10:54 AM  

Those are awesome photos!! Did you use the timer with the ones of the two of you!?!? Your wife is so cute!! Your baby will be adorable!!

Nate Perkes September 13, 2010 at 10:59 AM  

Thank you! Isn't she the cutest!? Stinkin' love that girl. And yes, we put the camera on a tripod and had it take a picture every second. It was really fun! Kinda like our own outside old school photo booth.

Anonymous September 13, 2010 at 11:05 AM  

No prediction . . . except that your baby will be absolutely beautiful!!! Love the photos!

Sachin Khona September 13, 2010 at 11:13 AM  

Hahaha. Awesome blog post..

I think it will be a girl too ...

When do we find out.. ?!?!

All the best to you both..

Love the lighting in the 3rd shot.. in all the shots actually..

Cool Bokeh too between you both and around your wife in the second one too...


Victoria de Martigny September 13, 2010 at 11:31 AM  

You & your wife are just too cute together. Love the idea of creating your own outdoor photo-booth. And that shot of Luisa looking at her teeny almost-baby bump is GORGEOUS!!!

I predict that you will have an adorable baby that will make crazy faces any time you try to take a photo :)~

Studio Hera Bell September 13, 2010 at 11:36 AM  

Great shots. I particularly love the shot of the birth-O-messanger... It is priceless.

Audrey September 13, 2010 at 12:45 PM  

Loved the post, Nate! Mmmmm let's see.....I say.....BOY!

My hubby's family is all boys too. For generations. So we thought for sure we'd be in for a boy....ended up with a girl, and couldn't imagine the world any other way :)

Tell us soon!

Juli L. September 13, 2010 at 12:48 PM  

Congratulations that is so exciting! Love the pics of you two. Great idea to set the timer. You're wife looks amazing! I can't believe that she is actually pregnant. Good luck to you both and your soon to be new addition!! :)

Alicia September 13, 2010 at 9:49 PM  

The truth is that once you hold your baby you truly don't care... and then you try again for whatever you don't have! LOL I have a boy and a girl 17 months apart and there's no doubting there's a difference! LOL My 2 year old BOY is all ESPN and my 7 month old GIRL is all Daytime DRAMA ALREADY! (becoming aware of my massive ! usage) Anyway, here's to a healthy baby whatever... CHEERS! =)

Anonymous September 13, 2010 at 11:14 PM  

I am one of 3 boys, my wife is one of 2 girls. We had a girl then a boy. Each as adorable as each other and each the subject of many a great photo. Shower the child in love and the rewards are endless. Great photos by the way!

Laura September 17, 2010 at 8:40 AM  

Nate and Luisa! I TOLD you I knew it was a boy. ;-) CONGRATS!!!!

btw Luisa, your adorable baby bump looks like you might have just had a large burrito for lunch. let's be honest.

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