Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kelsey's Bridals

Again, Kelsey was such a champ, so willing to experiment with different lighting, poses, locations etc. So we started at the Capitol Building downtown. Aparently there aren't too many places to change into a wedding dress close to the Capitol Building at 6:30. Luckily we met a wonderful security guard for the Capitol that after making a few "red leader to gold leader" calls on his radio, was allowed to literally escort us inside to the bathrooms to change.
After the Capitol, we headed out to the country to get some shots in a beautiful field.
And lastly, I just did a little experimenting with off camera flash!
Have a great day!


Kooky Cat Chick August 3, 2010 at 3:14 PM  

What beautiful photos of a beautiful bride. I love the last one with the sunset in the background - truly stunning!

Shari Baker August 6, 2010 at 11:52 AM  

Hey! I was on J*'s blog and saw that you won a spot to her CreativeLive workshop at the end of the month. Congratulations! I loved your video! I'm so excited to watch via Live Feed I can't imagine how excited you are to actually be there in person. Way to represent Idaho (I'm in Meridian)! I'm just getting started in my photog endeavors and enjoyed looking at your work. You know how to use light really well. Keep it up!

Steve Lewis Photography September 28, 2010 at 1:30 PM  

Are these all natural light? Me likey! What were some of your camera settings, or exif info? Very nice, brother!

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