Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tree Graveyard

So this last week my parents came out to visit us in Idaho. We had a blast, and we went up and stayed in a cabin in Donnelly Idaho for a few nights. So one morning, my Mom and I got up before sunrise to head down to bottom of the now dried up lake. We had a blast...it was cold, foggy, and you'd sink up to your shins in freezing mud (or water). But the whole place was eerie even. It looked like something you'd see in a movie. So here are some of my favorite pics from the shoot. Many of these are HDR's to allow me to capture both the foreground and background.

These last two are my favorites. This first one is straight out of the camera, meaning no edits
were made at all to this photo. The second one I think it my favorite though.
Mom took this one of me taking pictures in the water.


Ken and Jen Perkes September 29, 2009 at 4:39 PM  

Every one of them is incredible! Your favorite two are also mine; either of them would be great blown to about a 5' x 7' on a stretched canvas. The compositions on the first three are also pretty special. Great work! Mom's shot of you is cool too.

I have to tell you how much fun it is to have such amazing photographers in the family! I just sit back and ENJOY!


Luisa October 1, 2009 at 8:31 AM  

Darling. I was so proud of you that morning for waking up before the sun. "No sacrifice, no victory," right? And those pictures are for sure a victory. I am so glad that I married someone who enthralls me daily with his talents. And the picture of Anna is PERFECT! I love it.

Love always,
Your Adoring Wife

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