Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mike Colon preview...

This is a preview post...previewing what my next post will hopefully be. But these are two shots I literally grabbed as they were uploading from the 1300 pictures that I took from the most amazing trip and shoot I've ever had in my life. Can't wait to tell all about it.



Anonymous August 26, 2009 at 2:45 PM  

BEAUTIFUL NATEY! WOW, can't wait to see more!!!


Ken and Jen Perkes August 26, 2009 at 3:23 PM  

Nate-bud: These photos are launching you into a whole new league. They are different than anything I have seen you shoot. If I could describe them in one word it would be ETHEREAL!!! I love the "fiber optic effect" of the grass! Your light is bright and yet surprisingly soft. And, violating all the "old rules" you are shooting right into the sun! CRAZY! What time of day was it?

Beautiful, sophisticated . . . very interesting. I just keep going back for a second look. I can't wait to see more!!!


Ken and Jen Perkes August 26, 2009 at 3:40 PM  

Nate: Sorry to comment again! I keep coming back to see what it is about these photos that makes them so compelling. Of course, the fact that you have beautiful models helps, and I have already noted your incredibly photography skills. Both photographs are skillfully and beautifully shot! But there is something else . . .

I think it is the comfort a professional model feels in front of a camera. Interestingly, each model--in different ways--shows herself to best advantage with an S-curve in her posture. Neither is looking at the camera and seems involved in a solitary experience in which we feel the intrigue of coming upon them, entering a private and intimate space. FASCINATING!

This being my first experience through you or Mom of shooting professional models, I have come to the conclusion that part of your success as a photographer is in the ability of getting your subjects to feel as comfortable in their space as a professional model is in front of a camera. INTERESTING!


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