Thursday, March 12, 2009

Golden Geese

A few weeks ago, we were in Logan again with my Mom visiting our Grandfather on his farm. The first day, I got to try out Mom's 70-200 mm lens. I had a blast taking pictures of the countless geese in the corn fields behind Grandpa's house. Here are just a few samples.


Luisa March 13, 2009 at 10:03 AM  

Baby, I definitely love that gold feel better than the blue-ish tint they had before. You have such a way to make everything look warm, classy and old fashioned all at the same time. I think you're defining your individual style. This makes me excited to get you outdoors so you can find more wildlife to shoot. I love you darling!

Your Adoring Wife

Ken and Jen Perkes March 13, 2009 at 11:30 AM  

I just want to know how you get your birds to fly in sync. The first bird needs a little work, but amazing nonetheless. And I agree with Luisa: your are always defining and refining your style. Very nice!

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