Shooting with my wife.

I didn't want to dwell too much on this on my previous post, because I didn't want to take away from how amazing Natalie and Brian's day was, and how incredible they were, and are. It truly was their day, and their post. They did absolutely awesome.
But seriously, I feel like my wife rocked it. Hold on, let me back up. Ever since attending Jasmine Star's workshop, and meeting her husband JD, Luisa and I have played with the idea of shooting together. There are a lot of successful photographer husband and wife teams, like Chris+Lynn, Gavin Wade, Jasmine and JD. Seriously check these guys out. They're beyond awesome.
So Luisa and I thought we'd at least give it a shot. And I'll be honest, I was nervous, and so was she. Let me rewind again. I think the last time Luisa took pictures of something was last Christmas, up in the mountains, taking pictures of some hawks on our way up to a cabin.
I gave Luisa a little training pep talk a few nights before that went just about like this: "Okay, here's a 50 1.8. I want you on 'A' mode, at 2.8 pretty much the entire wedding. You see this button? This is the exposure compensation button. If you want your picture brighter, hold this and move the dial this way. If you want it darker, move it the opposite way. Got it? Good." Then I just told her to take a LOT of pictures, and try and experiment with every angle. And that's it. Off she went.
Long story short(er), she did amazing. At times it was hard, for sure. I think especially for her, not really knowing if I was going to like what she was getting. She felt like she didn't get anything good for me. Well...she was wrong. To be honest, some of my favorite images from the wedding...are hers. And I LOVE that.
For example, here is one of my favorite shots of the wedding. To me it shows true emotion and love, a couple privately holding hands and sharing their love together, just before the Priest performs their marriage. I LOVE it.
And just because I couldn't include every great shot of hers in my last post, here's a shot she got of the adorable ring bearer.
Now I don't know exactly where we'll go from here, nothing is in stone. I can teach her the camera mechanics and f stops and shutter speeds and ISO levels etc...she can learn that in time. But I do know that I LOVE her images, that she has an AWESOME eye, and that we love working together. With the many exciting new beginnings happening in our lives right now, here's one to add to the list. ; )
Hi Nate! I found your blog through the CreativeLIVE team and like your work. I like the way you present it too, with your blog. I am the photographer in my household, a little over a year into my business. I have had my husband second shoot for me during the weddings I've done, but because the camera he was using was very limiting, he hasn't been able to really work to his potential. Now though, I just bought a d300s for him to shoot backup for me, and I can't tell you how excited I am. He is excited too. I have no clue how it will go, but I'm just excited for him to actually have a decent camera to shoot with and I'm excited to see the wedding through his eyes. I love Luisa's shots, be sure to tell her that a total stranger in Minnesota loves them! I think you guys are on the verge of a fantastic thing. Oh, and congrats on finding out you're having a boy. Such an exciting time in your lives. All the best. - Laura
You are so lucky, and I am so jealous. My man has no interest in shooting weddings - while he likes photography and even has a great eye, he doesn't even warm to the idea of shooting weddings with me. Best of luck with this second new endeavor with your wife! And remember to count your blessings - not all of us have a better half who can do that for us. :)
@Laura CONGRATS! thank you! And that's AWESOME! Congrats on the new camera and your new endeavor. And @ArmsUpPhotography, so true. Major blessings. Luisa is definitely the much better half... : )
I found you via the J* CreativeLive workshop, as well, and have been a fan since :) I love that you decided to have your wife as your 2nd shooter. To me, it says so much about your level of trust with each other. Just like all of us, we all have to start somewhere. It looks like she is a natural behind the lens, to me. Anyway, kudos to you both for shooting together. You make a great team!
Luisa, you did a beautiful job! You two make a great team. I look forward to watching your business grow :)
Man, i love your passion and excitement.... about everything!
Thank you for shareing!
WOOOHOOO nate! She did amazing! Keep teaching as long as she wants to learn, it's awesome to work with the one you love CAPTURING love! Tasha Prescott
I saw the pictures last week of this wedding and read where your wife was shooting. I can't believe this was her first wedding. She has a fantastic eye for capturing special moments.
I've been following you since CL workshop. I brought up your name with fellow students at the Melissa Jill (MJ2Day) workshop just completed in North Carolina. I was talking about how you and your wife, like JS and JD, shot weddings together. One of the other students in this workshop told us she and her husband shoot together. Great work.
Hey Nate! Thanks for the blog love my man! It is such a blessing to do what you love...with the person you love! You share in the successes and the failures, and no matter what, you grow by each others side. My wife Erin is my better 95% and without her I don't know where I'd be personally or professionally :)
Enjoy the journey my friend! Talk with you soon bro.
Gavin and Erin Wade
Nate, I'm so glad you decided to try this, I actually had considered suggesting it when I saw a camera in her hands in one of your posts, but I don't know you that well! :) Larry and I are working towards the same thing, it's so fun and really exciting! Yay for you guys!!! You should bring her on our engagement session, that could be fun!
Hey! I found your blog through Google, searching for articles of "flash exposure compensation"!
Really awesome pictures from your wife! I am doing my first solo wedding this Saturday, and your wife's shots have inspired me. Thank her for me, and wish me luck!
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